Monday 7 December 2015

Running like you're flying

Tonight I ran my 4.5 miles, as prescribed by my training schedule. Tough and long day at work so I was not the most enthusiastic, especially because I had already done two back to back 5ks over the weekend and a weights session at the gym. There was no wind tonight, and although it was dark and barely lit (tiny village in the middle of nowhere) I felt like I could run and run. This time last year a mile walk would have been a challenge. I am so pleased I went out tonight!

Thursday 3 December 2015

Keeping up with the workouts.....just

Yo ho ho! It is the time of year when I find it really difficult to balance my work and home life. Just about managed a run on Monday and today but missed my 3mile run yesterday. I am considering it a loan, which I aim to pay back tomorrow. I swapped my rest days- regardless that means I need to run 3 miles when I get home from work at the end of a frantic week.
Suck it up marathon girl, suck it up!

Sunday 29 November 2015

Running totals for the week

Finished off a great training week with a 5 mile easy run in high winds! This brings my total mileage this week to 18.92 miles.
Made a decision to take off another 20lbs before the May Marathon- I need to shift 10lbs for aesthetics anyway and an additional 10, whilst keeping me in the acceptable range for my height, will make running a long distance a bit easier.
Starting a 30 day lunge challenge tomorrow and am going to be doubling my weight workouts to improve my strength and build muscle.

Friday 27 November 2015

Tough day at work?

This time of year is manic for everyone. Instead of coming home and collapsing on the sofa I broke my rest day training plan rule, slipped my trainers on and went straight out for a 30 minute run round the village. Instantly better. I broke no records, won no medal but got myself ready for a restful weekend and cut the cord between my work life and my home life.
I love running.

Thursday 26 November 2015

Sleep, sleep and a quickie at the gym

I use a Fitbit Surge to help me train and stay accountable. I aim to average 15k steps a day and it has been invaluable in my fitness and weight loss campaign over the last 12 months. Since using my Fitbit I have lost 80lbs and have literally gone from morbidly obese couch potato to a little bit overweight and someone who exercises daily. 
The Surge has a great feature- it tells you how well you have slept and records how many times you have been restless or actually awake. I aim for 7 hours sleep each night. Last night I got 8 hours. Still woke up feeling dog tired and that feeling persisted all day. Sometimes my head tells me to sod the workout and stay in bed/on the sofa/watching TV. I still got up and did a half hour treadmill run first thing- sometimes the mind is weak and the body just has to turn up and do its stuff. Today was one of those days.
Today I made over 18k steps. Despite feeling like a longer sleep this morning I am still one step closer to being ready for my marathon next Spring. Tomorrow I will feel a bit more alert, but today was good enough.

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Think you can't run fast?

Join a running club! Ran 5k with my local village running club. Nailed it in 34 minutes 27 seconds. Not a fast time by other people's standards perhaps, but I am proud of myself. Yesterday I did treadmill run. I want to get to 12 minute miles for my marathon race in May, so I am aiming for faster shorter runs in the week and longer easier runs at the weekend.
Really pleased with my efforts this week. Avoiding injury is a major focus this winter so I am stretching out after every run. An obvious point perhaps, but something I ignored in my early training. No muscle or tendon problems so far this month- good stuff.

Monday 23 November 2015

Good morning rowing machine!

By 6:45am I was on the rowing machine at my gym. Quick warm up then incline training on the treadmill and crosstrainer. 6kg dumbell bicep curls and 4kg tricep dips.

Today was a non-running day. I have learned over the last few months that, much as I like to run, I cannot get away without doing it very day without a break. In the last 6 months I have had plantar fasciitis and a peroneal tendon injury and it has affected my training schedule. Now I take two days a week to cross train (do something, anything, other than running) and one day where I just walk my dog.
Tonight I walked my dog- bloody freezing out- but it is the highlight of my day. His enthusiasm for getting out and about regardless of the weather reminds me that I should be delighted to be able to get out and move. I am blessed. And getting stronger every day.